Category Archives: Nuts

Five Fingers to a New You

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When I look at what food to eat, I look at my hand:

and ask myself if it’s…

  1. Real Meat – any kind

    • Marbled or some fat on meat is fine. It’s actually essential for your body to burn fat and your system to work correctly.
  2. Real Vegetables

    • With the exception of starches, particularly potatoes and rice. Seasonings and dressing? Oh, yes. Ranch is my favorite. Kinda like Pomegranate too. By the way, melted chocolate bars is NOT a dressing, just so you know.
  3. Real Cheese

    • Surprised?  Me too.  But this one treat more as a daily snack in moderation … an ounce or less at a time … no processed cheese.
  4. Certain Nuts

    • Almonds, pistachios, walnuts, macadamea nuts (1-2 oz) for snacks, and sunflower kernels are good as well.
  1. Eggs

    • Two or three for a meal, or a hard-boiled one for a snack

If it’s on the list.  I can eat it.  Not on the list? It doesn’t exist. Sugars don’t exist.  Starches don’t exist.  Before opening cans of food, look on the ingredient list for sugars, corn syrup, starches, potatoes, rice and just say no.  Sugary sweet desserts?  Don’t even go near them!

Well … actually, I’ve learned to smell and enjoy some wonderful and yummy looking desserts and snacks.  I just keep them away from my mouth.  If it’s too much temptation for you, back to don’t even go near them!

What to drink? Preferably water, about 8 glasses a day or more.  But you can also drink coffee or tea (cream and/or non-sugar sweetener is OK)  or diet drinks, preferably sweetened by Stevia (like Zevia sodas), and if not available, a moderate quantity of Spenda sweetened beverages.  Yup … you’ve heard bad about diet drinks (most of it does NOT apply to most people), but they are soooo much better than downing sodas or coffee or tea with sugar. However, most Aspartame (Nutrisweet) warnings leave out a pretty significant issue that can be quite detrimental to long term health.

Eat all three meals a day most every day.  Don’t skip meals unless you just can’t help it.

Here’s Mike to help you understand what’s happening during this first week:

 Full disclosure … I’ve never met Mike, but he’s been a huge blessing!

Have you gotten started already?  Why not!  Do it now!