Is it easy to gain weight or to lose it?

scaleGoogle “Why is it easier to gain weight than lose it?” and you’ll get MILLIONS of results.

It’s widely known that it’s easier to gain weight than to lose weight.

But … would you believe that it’s a myth?  And unfortunately, a very damaging myth that keeps many people from maintaining their desired weight. Before you call the men in white jackets to come and take me away, think about it. If you have gained above your desired weight, how much time, money and effort did it take to get to where you are now?

As I recently was looking through pictures of my kids when they are young, I realized that it’s been over 20 years since I was at the weight I’m now at. It took me about 20 years and a lot of pain in the process to gain my last 80 pounds. At an average of just $3.50 a meal, that’s over $76,000* — it’s not easy to net that much money.  Then I realized that it wasn’t very easy to grow progressively more burdensome to myself and others over 20 years.  Wearing out furniture and vehicles faster than ever. How easy is it to spend 20 years with clothes tightening around me before giving in to the next larger sizes, 20 years of feeling yukky after eating the wrong kind of foods, and 20 years of looking in the mirror and trying to avoid the nasty truth that I was looking worse all the time? Who says that’s easy?

And I had it good. No major health problems. No heart attack, no high blood pressure, no diabetes, no stroke, nothing to put me on years of medication. In fact, many people would say I was lucky. I prefer the term blessed by God. For many, giving up their health is another very hard price to pay for gaining weight. You still think it’s easy??

So … compare that with the last year or so. I’ve spent less than $4,000 for food- actually way less- mostly eating as much food as I wanted to, feeling better, getting more work done, reducing insurance premiums, being able to sit down without chairs cracking or cars creaking, wearing “new again” clothes in my own closet that I had outgrown before, not getting tired as quickly … the list goes on and on…

20 years of progressively going downhill, or 1 year of vast improvement? Which is easier?

Yes, I have a way to go yet. I’m not where I need to be … but I will be in another year. So … 2 years to turn the clock back almost 30 years?

That sounds to me like it’s a LOT easier to lose weight than to gain!  So what do you think?

* For those math types, it cost about $950 a pound to gain a pound, and less than $50 to lose one. 🙂


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One thought on “Is it easy to gain weight or to lose it?”

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