Category Archives: Milk

GOT MILK? no thanks

Sometimes milk doesn't do a body good.

Why don’t we GOT MILK?

It is just about as American as apple pie, however milk (even skim) is on the Do Not List. Why is that? Doesn’t milk do a body good?

One of the biggest reasons for avoiding it while on the plan is to keep lactose to a minimum. Lactose, which is a form of sugar will stall your fat loss efforts.

Here are three more reasons to avoid milk:

Primary purpose: to promote weight gain
Think about this for a moment:  milk is designed to turn a little calf into a 1-ton cow. There are over 60 different hormones in milk that are geared to fatten up and grow a calf as fast as possible. There is no proven dietary requirement to drink milk unless you are a calf– or you want to put on fat.

May not be good for your bones
Isn’t milk supposed to grow strong bones and prevent osteoporosis in humans? This will probably surprise you, but the exact opposite has been shown to be true. Milk has NOT been proven to reduce osteoporosis. And, even more concerning– studies have shown that consumption actually increases the risk of hip fracture in both men and women! [1 Journal of Bone Mineral Research. 2011 April; 26(4):833-9. Milk intake and risk of hip fracture in men and women:  a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Bischoff-Ferrari et al.]

Even worse: Food cravings
Up to 70% of people are allergic to lactose and most don’t even know it. Allergies to milk can trigger conditions such as hives, eczema and even asthma but they can also affect your diet.

Allergic reactions can create food cravings that increase your appetite, causing you to go off plan. This can create a frustrating situation, so it is best to avoid milk while on the program. Most people find that they feel much better when they avoid milk– which is a good sign that they may have a milk sensitivity.

By following the guidelines and avoiding milk while following your program, you will get the best possible results.

Shared by Personal Trainer Food

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