Good Food = Healthy Weight Loss

Why Am I Happy To Be Overweight? Because I'm No Longer OBESE!
Why Am I Happy To Be Overweight? Because I’m No Longer OBESE!

Hi. My name is Bob.

And I’m fat.

Well, not as fat as I was, and fatter than I will be. People keep asking me how I’ve lost 40 … 50 … 60 … 70+ pounds and still heading downward. The night I decided to get rid of the fat and I stepped on the scale, it groaned and told me I weighed over 283 pounds. Ideally, that weight should read around 155 pounds.

So how are the pounds coming off? Eating lots of food. Surprised? Let me back up a bit. There is a term I don’t see in the weight-loss commercials and hundreds of magic formulas that “only cost $2 a day (for the rest of your life).”

One word: Engagement 

Not the pre-marital kind.  But not far from it.  🙂  I had to be willing to actively take responsibility for personally dealing with my weight issue. Then commit to the long term marathon it takes to get myself under control. And finally, be sold on the plan.

It’s not a sprint. It can’t be a torture that I endure (like the ineffective advice of “eat less and exercise more”).  It took me many years to get this fat, so I do know it will take a while to get skinny again. But I didn’t feel like eating less, and I certainly didn’t want to exercise more. I found some things that will blow you away. I didn’t come up with the whole plan, nor did anyone else. It’s more like a compilation of what really works from overwhelming evidence and experience .

This is NOT a sales web site for some exotic just-discovered plant on a tropical island where everyone is the perfect weight, they're always beautiful and smile, and they play volleyball and climb mile-high mountains all day until the ripe old age of 150, nor a blog of before/after models with RESULTS NOT TYPICAL in small print.

Nope. Just me. Here to share some of the tips I’ve been sorting through.  If you’re like me, you’ll learn a lot, and hopefully UN-learn a lot, too. Lots of surprises, too.

So … Take a few minutes, watch the short videos I’ve found, and click on the NEXT links as you can. And don’t forget to bookmark and subscribe to the site, as it’s a work in process and I’ll be adding cool tips and stories over time.


Question 1: Are you serious about not only losing weight, but also keeping the weight off long term without starving yourself?   If the answer is “Yes”, then watch this 3:27 video now, then check out the next paragraph, then do what the man says, and be 10-20 pounds lighter in the next 2 weeks:

Question 2: Did you watch it?  If not, why are you still reading this? Watch it now.

Yes, it’s a lot of info … but the guy is right.

Disclaimer time: I have no business connections with Personal Trainer Food other than being a customer. They just have a great product at a great price that can help us all get healthier. No strings, no subscriptions, no catches.

So make it easy on yourself. Do you have to order food from them to make this work? Absolutely not.  BUT … I’ve found the food so easy to fix, so good to eat, and the price is very, very reasonable. I thought I’d at least get one order and learn what the food is like. Figure out the food and get it myself. It worked– now I know what to get when eating out … and on vacation, and other situations where Nutrisystem, Herbalife, and all these other “secret formula” foods totally failed me. But honestly it’s just a lot easier and cheaper to buy real, raw food from the grocery store and keep the portions modest.  Extra tips on the food here.

Start Now! Don’t Wait to Lost Weight!

Credit where credit is due dept: the name of this site was inspired by Dr. David Perlmutter, one of many who is working to tell folks that Fat is Fundamental to health, including weight loss, brain function and anti-aging.

It’s just getting set up, so be patient and give me feedback if you have any questions.

Thanks for stopping by. But don’t stop … move forward to Myths and Secrets to Weight Loss

2 thoughts on “Good Food = Healthy Weight Loss”

  1. Way to go! You are doing a great job and encouraging others to do the same. I am so proud of you!

  2. Bob,

    Love this blog. Congrats on your weight loss. Reach out to me when you get a chance I would love to talk to you.

    Lee Ann

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"Fat is Fundamental to Eating Healthy and Losing Weight" Blog