Diet Drinks = Heart Disease and Death?

The headlines today are screaming:

Diet drinks linked with heart disease, death!

Diet Drinks - Heart HealthyIt’s all over radio, TV, newspapers and the internet. So it must be legit!

Let me save you some time and concern? A 9-year study of women came up with this:

Some sort of heart disease was found at the following rates:

  • 8.5% (two or more Diet drinks a day)
  • 7.2% (rare or no Diet drinks)
  • 6.8% (a few Diets a week)

Hello! Seriously?? The headlines scream that the diet drinks are causing death, while inside those articles it clearly shows that those who drink a few diet drinks a week have less risk than those who don’t drink any? Can anyone say, “headlines lie!”

So what about the higher rate for women who drink more diet drinks? Doesn’t that prove diet drinks are killing them? Again, the answer is right there in the same article:

The women who drank the most drinks were also more likely to smoke, to be overweight, to have diabetes and to have high blood pressure.

Again, the headlines are an incredible lie. The World Heart Federation website says that just diabetes increases the risk factor of heart disease between 200 and 400%. Yet those who are drinking the diet drinks have only a 1.3% increase. It sounds to me like the diet drink factor has incredibly reduced their risk, not increased it.
Similar increase risks are also associated with smoking, obesity, and high blood pressure.

So from this information, the undeniable conclusion is that drinking diet drinks dramatically reduces a woman’s risk of heart disease when combined with any of these other risk factors. It also slightly reduces the risk of heart disease when none of these other factors are present

In other headlines, a 150 year study has proven that, over time, being born provokes a 100% chance of dying.

BUT … there is an incredible hidden danger in most diet drinks that gets almost no press, but will cause a life insurance company to flatly reject your application. Wanna know about it?  Read it here.


Related post: Diet Drinks or Not?

Cool man. Really cool!

I have never lost over 75 pounds before in my life. It is really cool. I am not talking about getting all that fat off of me – I’m talking about my temperature.

I am really, really cool. In fact, I am cold a lot.

The thermostats and thermometers don’t show any different than last year at this time. My clothes are pretty much the same. My activity is not really that much different. But now I am colder while doing just about whatever I am doing and just about wherever I’m at.

No, I am not sick and my body is not dying or anything like that. Apparently this comes with the territory.

Something about having a whole lot smaller layer of insulation than I used to have, less blood circulating through that blubber, and less excess fuel (sugar, processed carbs, starchy stuff) that needs to be burned off.

I guess it’s a small price to pay, and I am sure I will be much more thankful for that this summer than I have been during the winter.

Any way … just a fair warning that if you’re successful in trimming down, you might just be cooler in more ways than one. 🙂

GOT MILK? no thanks

Sometimes milk doesn't do a body good.

Why don’t we GOT MILK?

It is just about as American as apple pie, however milk (even skim) is on the Do Not List. Why is that? Doesn’t milk do a body good?

One of the biggest reasons for avoiding it while on the plan is to keep lactose to a minimum. Lactose, which is a form of sugar will stall your fat loss efforts.

Here are three more reasons to avoid milk:

Primary purpose: to promote weight gain
Think about this for a moment:  milk is designed to turn a little calf into a 1-ton cow. There are over 60 different hormones in milk that are geared to fatten up and grow a calf as fast as possible. There is no proven dietary requirement to drink milk unless you are a calf– or you want to put on fat.

May not be good for your bones
Isn’t milk supposed to grow strong bones and prevent osteoporosis in humans? This will probably surprise you, but the exact opposite has been shown to be true. Milk has NOT been proven to reduce osteoporosis. And, even more concerning– studies have shown that consumption actually increases the risk of hip fracture in both men and women! [1 Journal of Bone Mineral Research. 2011 April; 26(4):833-9. Milk intake and risk of hip fracture in men and women:  a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Bischoff-Ferrari et al.]

Even worse: Food cravings
Up to 70% of people are allergic to lactose and most don’t even know it. Allergies to milk can trigger conditions such as hives, eczema and even asthma but they can also affect your diet.

Allergic reactions can create food cravings that increase your appetite, causing you to go off plan. This can create a frustrating situation, so it is best to avoid milk while on the program. Most people find that they feel much better when they avoid milk– which is a good sign that they may have a milk sensitivity.

By following the guidelines and avoiding milk while following your program, you will get the best possible results.

Shared by Personal Trainer Food

Not enough to convince you? Or just would rather watch a video?

Want to lose weight and then stay at your ideal weight from now on? Start here: and keep going …

Diet Drinks or Not?

Are sugar substitutes harmful in diet drinks?
20140318-220839.jpgWhat are the real facts about diet drinks? You might be surprised. Ignore the hype and focus on the facts.

Now, before buying ALL of his thoughts, please DO check out this blogpost on a little known problem with aspartame-sweetened products.

Here is the information posted on Healthcare Triage’s YouTube page with references to the studies referred to:

Our episode on Organic food was a hit, but lots of you had questions in the comments asking about the safety of artificial sweeteners. We live to serve, so this week’s episode is about the research in that area. These chemicals get a bad rap, but you might be surprised by what you learn by watching. Send your hate tweets to Aaron. He’s used to them.

For those of you who came here looking for references, here are some:




See also my notes on a newer “study”

Fast Weight Loss Is Bad — NOT

Tips you can use for weight loss success:

Writing down what you eat every day

… has been shown to double the speed of weight loss. Try it for just 7 days. Then let the scale speak for itself.

Another quick tip…

Commit to healthy eating and weight loss as a group

… with friends and/or co-workers. This will increase long-term success.

Defeat the double-whammy:

The food industry’s push to sell more “health scare” pairs with the industry’s push to keep you dependent on them.

More keys to success: Eat real and healthy food, act healthy, think healthy, have a healthy relationship with God and other people. You won’t get hooked by expensive and unhealthy “health food” choices at the supermarket, and succumb to depression and discouragement.